Young Hearts for Life Junior Board 5K Run/Walk - April 10,2016
The YH4L Junior Board 5K Fun Run/Walk took place on Sunday, April 10, 2016. Although the weather did not cooperate, it was a fun morning for everyone. Here are some of the photos from this event. Thank you to everyone who helped to make this a success!
(Scroll down to see photos. Click on the photo to see larger version.)
A Special Thank You to our Sponsors
Premium Sponsor: Kenneth Holland Memorial Fund
Platinum Level Sponsor:
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Marek The Rowley Family Patricia Marek Memorial Fund 
Gold Level Sponsor: Dr. & Mrs. Vince Bufalino
JBM Recruitment
Eileen McMahon Memorial Fund 
John S. Irving, DDS, PC
Advocate Children’s Hospital 
Wheaton Pediatrics
Sign Express
Silver Level Sponsor:
Brian Reardon DDS Altobello Fine Jewelers International Contractors, Inc.
Jimmy Griffin Legacy Foundation Martin & Elissa Flaska Olympia Chiropractic and Physical Therapy RDUAcademy
Bronze Level Sponsor:
McMahon – Baldwin Associates Labor Temps
JCPower and Controll, Inc Windy City Woman in HVAC EP Doc for AMG, but more importantly a father of 5 young hearts
Marc & Sheera Poskin Athletico Illinois Prep Top Timing The Collins Family
Wells Fargo Advisors – Jaburek/Furjanic Financial Group Dr. Stan Skaluba
Friends of YH4L:
Jeff Petak – One Beat CPR Maya Del Sol
Please click on photo to see larger version